coe, missed

Monday is when the bidding starts, and ends on Wed. Was hoping that I'll get this bid, so that I can get my car soon. But who knows, when I wake up on Wed ard 12noon, the current bid is already above my bid. So can forget about getting it this round. It feels kinda weird. At first I was hoping to get it, but after the bid ends, I wasn't very disappointed about losing it. I dunno why. It's like my hope is not totally gone, those kind of feeling. People have been asking me whether I got the coe anot. And Kenny's been a great encouragement to me, comforting me. And I really appreciate him being around. Thanks man! I guess the Lord have greater plans for me if I wait patiently upon the Lord. And straight away I thought to myself, I can save more money first, for the petrols and stuffs. That must the reason why I'm not totally disappointed. Yup.

1 comment:

The child whom Jesus loves said...

Hey bro, it's just a matter of time before you'll get the car right... God has already picked out the best car for you liao... that's what I believe, it may not be this coming COE bidding, but it will be soon.

Prov 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

You've acknowledged the Lord, trust Him to be faithful to His promises. Remember that He has the best for you always!